Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Night Hell Must Have Frozen Over

It was cold. I mean, we're talking COLD. Friday (Feb 1st)night's practice was almost miserable. I had to loan my gloves to Don who was pushing that night and everytime I touched metal it was so cold it burned my hand. We're talking instant minor frostbite here. And we made the crazy decision to train in our spandex racing suits that night! Why oh why didn't we just wear normal clothes training clothes???

A highlight of the night was that we had a photographer from Provo come up to take some candid shots of us training, Mark Weinberg. You can check out some of his shots at .

So, we've established the fact that it was cold. Like, in the teens cold. So on our first run as soon as I loaded into the sled and felt Don load into his seat, my helmet began to fog over. And I mean, really cloud over. Most of the time I can just tilt my head back a little bit to get some air on the helmet shield to clear it up, but this time I had about 40% visibility for most of the track. Imagine doing that at 80MPH!

But it only got worse from there. There was so much snow up at the track that it had covered the tarps that are over Turns 14 and 15. Once we came out of Turn 13 it was like looking down into an underground tunnel: pitch black. So that mixed with a fogged helmet made for a pretty interesting run! It was a 53 second and given the conditions I was ok with that.

So the second run was only marginally better, a high 52 and I just had to laugh. It truly was a great night of training in the worst conditions imaginable. It wasn't that we were really able to work on our technique so much as now we know that we can slide in the worst conditions possible. Its like they say, sometimes you just need to face the worst situations in life just so you can know that you can handle it next time it comes around. Experiences like that should give us all confidence that we really are stronger than we thought we were.

But, still, I think it was cold enough that Hell froze over that night!

1 comment:

jennifer said...

Hey Jeremy! Love all the updates!

Stay warm! :)