Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hmmm that's odd...

In the world of social media, numbers can either mean everything or nothing. It all depends on what you're going for. If your blog or online profile on the social site is just for fun, numbers don't mean anything. But if you're a professional blogger or a business profile, you try to boost your numbers as much as possible.

The Team Holm Racing blog is a bit of a mixture of both. It is written mostly in fun for our friends and family to follow our weekly training sessions and what life is like in the sport. We've made it very clear that we are not the US Bobsled team, but you can read all about them on

That being said, it has been fun, and odd, to see readers finding this blog all over the world. From Utah to India, Australia to England, Switzerland to Japan, we've gotten hits from across the globe. And lately there's been a lot of them. We used to get maybe 7 or 8 views a day. Yesterday we logged 48. How does a jump like that happen? Blame it on lucky keywords or just a lot of posts, but it has been fun to see the power of the Internet in action.

We hope you enjoy our blog and the stories and experiences we get to have in the sport. We're very lucky to get to do what we do. As the Australian national bobsled team told us, we're lucky to have the opportunity to live close to a track, have training time to get to do it, and be able to just drive right up after work or school and slide.

We really are some lucky guys.

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